Hope this helps anyone still experiencing the issue.Just had to use this, too.In case you have lost/replace your smart phone, you need to setup the Microsoft MFA again on the new phone (Even though you are using the same mobile phone number). I expect sometime in the next 48hrs, but honestly this is better than my personal cell phone floating around even if it doesn't re-sync.

It filled in my mobile phone entry with "" but I was told by the representative that this will go away later once everything fully sync's. Hope this helps anyone still experiencing the issue.This answered my question as well - thank you! Hope this helps anyone still experiencing the issue. My phone number was listed in the format of +1 5556667777 so thats what was entered in the brackets. Set-MSOLUser -UserPrincipalName -MobilePhone REMOVE = "phonenumber listed above" } Once we verified the mobilephone listing was what we wanted to change:

We have an on premises AD synced with Office 365, and the only way we could clear the mobile phone on some of us Admins was through Powershell. Not sure if anyone is watching this post still, but after a grueling hour conversation with a very thorough Microsoft employee they gave a solution that worked for us(there was 3 of us having this issue).