Most 4X games have a wealth-obsessed faction, the Ferengi of their respective titles, but there’s more to this race than makin’ moolah.

I’m the invisible hand guiding the Lumeris, a species of amphibious deal-brokers, money-makers and corporate Mafia-types. I traveled to Amplitude’s offices to get my hands on the game, and thus far my goal is to try and get rich – the noblest of pursuits. Comfortably sitting next to all the numbers, resources and planetary management are lively stories, epic quests, and fascinating space-faring species, each with distinct hooks – the ingredients that made the company’s last game something special. Either way, you are quite definitely forced into building either Planetary Exploitations or System Improvements that generate food.Endless Space 2 is the sequel to French studio Amplitude’s cosmic 4X game, though it feels just as much a follow-up to their exceptional fantasy strategy affair, Endless Legend.

If you use Alien Grafting or better on every planet, you'll eventually fill the whole system. If you use the +1 food Planetary Exploitation on every planet, you'll stall out after your second population point. As you invent those better Planetary Exploitations, your planets will upgrade automatically, so you don't need to think about it very hard. That will get your system started you can make it grow faster by building some of the system-wide food-generating improvements, or just resign yourself to growing slowly. Once you've colonized, just build your best Planetary Exploitation improvement for farming: the default Evolved Soils (+1 food per person), the easy-to-get Alien Grafting (+2 food per person), or the more-distant Hyper-Scale Farms (+3 food per person). You don't need to worry about your first population point starving to death. You get one free improvement when colonizing a system, and it gives you two food (it's the thing that looks like a tent).